Electronics Recycling
Trust us when it comes to recycle e-waste in Evansville. Our recycling services are responsible. We will provide on-time and prudent measures in managing and handling your electronic wastes.

Computer Recycling
The old and unused computers in Evansville have to be recycled properly and professionally. We offer this kind of service. We're capable of handling your electronic waste.

Hard Drive Shredding
We're expert and capable of shredding the delicate and sensitive Hard Drives. In Evansville, our company is trusted as we've been in this industry for years now. We can send our special hard drive shredding team anytime you want to shred your hard drives securely.

IT Asset Disposition
Your End-of-life IT Assets can be a source of revenue. It can however be done with our certified ITAD services. With us, your IT equipment can be recycled, profited, or destroyed. We have been practicing world-class standards in our offered services.