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Our Data Destruction Service in McAllen, Texas is certified as world-class. If you want a company that is able to destroy the data and information stored in your drives and serves, then you should rely on us. We’re a premier electronics recycling company not only in this country but in the entire North America as well.

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McAllen Electronics Recycling

McAllen Electronics

In McAllen, Texas, we provide convenient and responsible recycling services. Our Electronics Recycling has been touted as the best in this city and state. You have to keep in mind that this service is beneficial for you and for the environment. 

McAllen Computer Recycling

McAllen Computer

Computer recycling is our expertise while we're serving the City of McAllen in Texas. We can help people who plan to dispose their old and unused computer units, like desktops and laptops. we guarantee proper handling of your e-waste.

McAllen Hard Drive Shredding

McAllen Hard Drive

Shredding the servers and hard drives is quite important. This is the process of deleting the entire data and information that are sensitive and risky. Our Hard Drive Shredding in McAllen guarantees ultimate satisfaction. 

McAllen IT Asset Disposition

McAllen IT Asset

It is important for you to consider that your disposable IT assets can still give you money. How? Just rely on us as we provide Certified IT Asset Disposition services. We're here to help you recycle, resell or destroy your old equipment based on your personal standards.

Data Destruction in McAllen, TX

A lot of people assume that data destruction in as far as technology is concerned, is limited to erasing the files. This is not the case at all. It’s also a dangerous misconception because it may cause the company millions of dollars in damages. Individuals and companies should be aware that there is an appropriate way of destroying data. For those living in Texas, there is McAllen Data Destruction service.


We’re proud of having a military-grade data destruction process. It’s called military grade because it is of the highest standards. After all, our clients include the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Security.

McAllen, Texas

McAllen, Texas, which is home to about 140,000 people, is a favorite place for birdwatching. McAllen is on the migratory path between North and South America where birds and butterflies pass through during expeditions. But it’s not just what McAllen is known for. It is also home to the McAllen Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ). This means that international duty-free trading is done in the city, which has its own FTZ airport. This FTZ aspect makes McAllen electronically busy. Technology is needed in most FTZ services—full logistic support services including order processing, inventory control and quality inspection. Imagine how much information is stored in the FTZ technology, which could leak if not for expert data destruction.

More Data Destruction Services Offered In: 

We’re the Best in McAllen Data Destruction Service

We will definitely play an important role in data destruction in some of the companies in McAllen, Texas, particularly those involved in the FTZ. The McAllen Data Destruction has multi-level hard drive security process with bulletproof data destruction. All Green Electronics Recycling follows the highest standards in data destruction that permanently wipes out information through the company’s custom-made digital wiping system.

We also guarantee that information that underwent the company’s data destruction will be unrecoverable.

Contact Us Now to Secure Recycling of Computers, Laptops, Televisions & More: