Cedar Rapids
Electronics Recycling
We're the number 1 company to offer a world-class e-waste recycling in Cedar Rapids. We've been in Electronics Recycling industry for years now. This claim is the main reason why we can really provide what you truly need from us through our convenient and responsible recycling services.

Cedar Rapids
Computer Recycling
We can professionally and securely recycle your disposable old computers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. With this service, everything you need from us will be fulfilled. We can provide you with your needed e-waste services without causing any setback to your end.

Cedar Rapids
Hard Drive Shredding
In terms of securely shredding your hard drives, we're the ultimate solution. We can provide the best and world-class e-waste recycling services, to which this particular drive shredding is attached to, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. While you watch, we can render our service professionally.

Cedar Rapids
IT Asset Disposition
It is important for you to understand that your end-of-life IT assets can still be a source of revenue. However, this can only be possible with certified ITAD services we're able to provide. With our help, you don't have to worry when it comes to refreshing your computer and other IT assets.