Mid-Atlantic Cities Start Styrofoam Recycling

Styrofoam Container - All Green Electronics Recycling
Credit: MomGoesGreen.com

Though a partnership with Dart Container Corporation, several of the most densely populated areas in the Mid-Atlantic region are adding polystyrene recycling to their waste management programs.

Polystyrene, commonly known as Styrofoam, is notorious for being difficult to recycle. But if this material is not recycled, it sits in a landfill indefinitely. It’s also “reasonably anticipated” by the U.S. National Toxicology Program to be a human carcinogen. Wonderful! So which communities can recycle those old packing peanuts?

According to Earth 911, participating localities include Baltimore and Carroll County in Maryland, Philadelphia and Dauphin County in Pennsylvania, and the state of Delaware.

Eligible foam materials include clean polystyrene cups and plates, egg cartons, packing peanuts, and packaging from consumer goods and electronics. These items cannot be used to produce new polystyrene products, but instead will be made into items like crown molding, nursery plant containers, and picture frames.

“We’ve had great feedback from residents and businesses on the programs we have implemented in these areas,” said Ray Ehrilch, Dart regional manager for government affairs and the environment. “It just confirms that there is a growing market for additional recycling options.”

You can read more about the program here.

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