4 Tips for a Green Saint Patrick’s Day

Four Leaf Clover - All Green Electronics Recycling


Saint Patrick’s Day is all about the color green—so what better way to celebrate than by doing it in an “All Green” manner?

Earth 911 had some great tips on how to keep the day as green as possible:

  1. Reuse! Instead of buying a new wardrobe, raid your own, or a friend’s closet! If all else fails, buy a vintage green shirt from a thrift shop. You can also use green Mardi Gras beads. You can’t recycle them, so might as well reuse them!
  2. Use natural colorings instead of artificial food colorings. Use naturally-derived food colorings, or  use fruit and veggie bases.
  3. For those of you who are 21+, it’s not Saint Patrick’s Day without a pint of beer. Either brew your own at home or find a local or organic option.
  4. Borrow green decorations from Christmas to decorate! Or repurpose green junk mail or food packaging into festive decorations.

For more tips, check out the Earth911 articles located here.

What are you doing to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?

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