What is E-Waste ?

Proper electronic waste disposal is a topic that has been receiving more and more attention in the public’s eye recently, and you might be wondering to yourself what is e-waste?

Why is E-Waste a Problem?

E-waste, otherwise known as electronic waste can describe any type of unwanted electrical or electronic devices. The e-waste definition can cover used electronic products that are marked off for reuse, salvage, resale or recycling fall into the category of what electronic waste is. Examples of e waste include electronics ranging from old computers, electronic office equipment, electronics used in entertainment devices, cellphones, television sets to refrigerators are all candidates for products that fall under the definition of electronic waste.

While some reserve the worse “waste” for residue or products thrown out by a buyer (as opposed to recycling it), advocates argue that e waste information should apply to all surplus electronics. This is because loads of old electronics are blended, whether they are good, recyclable or non-recyclable.  Therefore, the question what is e-waste  can be succinctly answered as “all electronic products that are being disposed of.”

What is electronic waste recycling?

E-waste recycling is a promising business that is large and rapidly growing. Rather than tapping into our world’s resources, we can re-use existing resources and materials that have already been used by stripping down electronic devises and reusing the resources we find inside. With a better understanding of what is e waste management, we can focus on what we can do about it. E-waste recycling can help create jobs, prevent problems that arise from improper disposal and reduce green-house gas emissions. By re-using our electrical products, we can reduce the demand for new products, stop using raw materials, conserve pure water and electricity, reduce waste with less packaging, and offer the availability of technology to more tiers of society by cutting costs. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_waste

Most electronic devices contain a breadth of materials that are useful like metals that can be recovered for future reuse. Some computer parts can be reused when companies put together new computer products, while other parts are reduced to metals that can be reused for a variety of applications like jewelry or construction.

What are e-waste products that need to be recycled?

Components used for manufacturing of audio visual products, television sets, old VCRs, equipment used in stereos, handheld devices like mobile phones, and computer parts all contain substances that are valuable for harvesting like lead, copper, and gold. Based on your definition of what is e-waste, you can focus on doing your part.

Its becoming more and more important to responsibly dispose of e-waste because the amount of it is growing rapidly. This is because the time that electronic device are useful is becoming shorter and shorter.  As consumers purchase devices like cellphones more frequently to have the “keep up with the Jones’” they are creating more and more waste that needs to be taken care of properly.

The best way to properly dispose of your e-waste varies by the area you live in. It is always economical and resource-friendly to donate or resell products that can be repaired easily, while responsible recycling companies can also be called to pick up waste and securely delete sensitive information that could be contained in a device like a computer or cellphone. Be sure to consult a professional or check up on your state’s laws concerning proper disposal, as doing this incorrectly yourself could result in exposure to harmful products contained in the devices.

Hopefully this article has answered your question “what is e-waste” and will inspire you to reuse your products responsibly.

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