Paper and Plastic Ban Proposed in L.A.

Paper or plastic? Shoppers in Los Angeles may soon have neither option. On Tuesday, an L.A. councilman proposed a ban on all single use paper and plastic bags in the city. “With paper bags, you’re still generating litter,” said Councilman Paul Koretz, who introduced the motion proposing the ban, told the Los Angeles Times. “We’re taking the next…

Paper or plastic? Shoppers in Los Angeles may soon have neither option.
On Tuesday, an L.A. councilman proposed a ban on all single use paper and plastic bags in the city.
“With paper bags, you’re still generating litter,” said Councilman Paul Koretz, who introduced the motion proposing the ban, told the Los Angeles Times. “We’re taking the next step.”
Under this proposal, stores in L.A. would only be allowed to sell or give away reusable bags, or risk a fine. An exception would be made for the small plastic bags meant to prevent cross-contamination of meat and raw vegetables.
Environmentalists applaud this news and hope it inspires Sacramento to propose a statewide ban.
The City Council’s Energy and Environment Committee will determine the next step for this proposal.
Would you like to see this law pass?
You can read the LA Times article here.
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