How To Manage E-Waste
E-waste is a serious problem that isn’t going to get better on its own. Here are some do it yourself tips on how to manage e-waste. Buy less things. Its that simple. Maybe the biggest cause of our e-waste problem is the fact that we buy things that we just don’t need. Next time you feel like you…
E-waste is a serious problem that isn’t going to get better on its own. Here are some do it yourself tips on how to manage e-waste.
Buy less things. Its that simple. Maybe the biggest cause of our e-waste problem is the fact that we buy things that we just don’t need. Next time you feel like you need a device or electronic item, stop yourself and ask if it is truly necessary. This is maybe also the easiest way we can manage e-waste. Organize your electronics. If you don’t keep your connectors, DVDs, wires and gadgets organized, you won’t be aware of what you have. When we buy duplicate electronics because we think we need them, we are contributing to our growing e-waste problem. “How to manage e-waste” becomes less of an issue when we keep our own houses in order.
How to manage e-waste by donating, returning and selling it
Give away or donate your e-waste. If you do not need a piece of equipment and it is in good enough condition to be reused, donate it as soon as you can so that somebody else can use it. Donations are good for us because they are a useful way to get tax deductions, and a lot of times that tax deduction will be close to the value of the item had you tried to sell it. Take your electronics back to the store. Best Buy offers a trade-in program, where you can drop off your old equipment in return for a Best Buy gift card. Additionally, Staples allows you to drop off old gadgets as well.
Sell your electronics you no longer use. Craigslist and eBay are maybe the best places to sell electronics that might be valuable to somebody else. Just be sure to sell them right away, because they lose value very rapidly in our changing market. If you have a heavy or lower value item you’d like to sell, check Craigslist – shipping isn’t really involved if you do it locally.
How to manage e-waste by Planning
Simply think ahead. If you are moving, and you do not plan, chances are you will have to pay to dispose a bunch of electronics. You will not have enough time to find people that want what you have, and will end up getting charged. Instead of hanging on to your electronics, get rid of them while you can to make money on them, as opposed to letting them sit around and having to pay money to get rid of them later.
How to Manage E-waste with “Good-e Bags”
If you are frequently receiving memory sticks and little gadgets, collect them into a good-e bag. Whenever you no longer need a USB stick or a small electronic device, toss it in to the bag. You might be surprised at how quickly it fills up. “68% of US Consumers stockpile electronics,” so be sure you are utilizing your materials and products thoughtfully. With these tips you can use DIY solutions to learn how to manage e-waste. Your house will be cleaner, you will save money and you’ll be doing a good thing.