Post-Holiday Recycling

Tree - All Green Electronics Recycling

Christmas may be over, but if you’re like me, the remnants of the holiday are still scattered around your house. What can you reuse and what can you recycle?

  • Christmas trees: Make sure you recycle your Christmas tree instead of throwing it out! Recycled trees can be used for mulch, erosion protection, and shoreline stabilization. They can also be used to improve fish habitats or generate electricity. Much better than a landfill, huh?
  • Wrapping paper: If you’re one of those people who can carefully unwrap and reuse your paper, that’s wonderful! But if you’re like me and can’t help but rip into the paper, what can you do with the scraps? Make a collage and turn it into a notebook, book, or journal cover! I used to cover my textbooks with old wrapping paper to protect the covers from damage.
  • Gift bags: These are easily reused! Just don’t put a sticker or tape on these, or it can damage the bag.
  • Ribbons: These are simple to reuse on future packages. I also like to use leftover scraps of tinsel and Christmas decorations to tie on packages.
  • Greeting card: Many of us don’t throw away greeting cards because it feels wrong to toss out heartfelt and/or sentimental messages. Cut out the messages and make them into a scrapbook or collage. In my college dorm room, I decorated a wall with these. If you have some cards that aren’t sentimental, use it for a craft or turn it into a gift tag or a bookmark.

What holiday items do you reuse or recycle?

Bonus: Hit up the after-Christmas sales and buy candy. Check the expiration date, but red and green candy can be separated and used for Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day.

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