Illinois Is Expanding E-Waste Recycling Law

In an attempt to keep electronics out of landfills, the state of Illinois is expanding its electronics recycling law to include more items, increase recycling goals for state manufacturers, and enforce stronger penalties for those who don’t follow the law. Under the current law, computer monitors, televisions, and printers are banned from landfills. The ban will now also include keyboards, portable music devices, scanners, video game consoles, and other electronics. In addition to the increased number of banned electronics, manufacturers will now be required to recycle 40 percent of the products they sold in 2010 and the fine for violations will increase from $1,000 to $7,000. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency will also have greater authority to regulate violations of the act, according to the governor’s office. You can read more about the Illinois law here. Related Pages: Chicago Electronics Recycling

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