E-waste Legislation Introduced in Australia

Electronics recycling in Australia has lagged behind other countries, but manufacturers and consumers alike are hopeful that e-waste legislation will soon pass. The Product Stewardship Bill was released this week in the Australian Federal Parliament. If it passes, manufacturers, suppliers, and importers of information technology equipment and televisions will be required to deliver permanent e-waste recycling options to…
Electronics recycling in Australia has lagged behind other countries, but manufacturers and consumers alike are hopeful that e-waste legislation will soon pass. The Product Stewardship Bill was released this week in the Australian Federal Parliament. If it passes, manufacturers, suppliers, and importers of information technology equipment and televisions will be required to deliver permanent e-waste recycling options to the community. Because such a plan requires nationwide participation and government funding, television and computer manufacturers have lobbied the government about this bill. We are glad to see Australians take this initiative and hope to see the legislation pass in the near future.