Bioplastics Symbol Identifies Eco-Friendly Packaging

We are all familiar with the recycling symbol, but what would you do if you came across this instead?

Bioplastics - All Green Electronics Recycling
Credit: Laura Howard

The bioplastics industry hopes to make eco-friendly products stand out with a new symbol that will be used to identify biodegradable plastics and packaging.

Bioplastics are made without petroleum, using items like corn, potatoes, tapioca, sugar, wheat, algae, and other natural materials instead. These are all renewable resources and can be composted.

The symbol is the result of Cereplast’s “Make Your Mark” competition, which challenged designers to come up with a new bioplastics symbol. Winner Laura Howard of Kentucky was rewarded $25,000 for her design. It will be stamped on products in a similar fashion to the recycling symbol.

What do you think about the new symbol? Will you choose these items over traditional plastics?

You can read more about this topic on the Huffpost Green Blog.

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