15-Year-Old Girls Create Solar-Powered Cell Phone Charger

Jakarta Globe - All Green Electronics Recycling
Photo Credit: The Jakarta Globe

It bothers 15-year-old Ega Sribuarti– a high school student in Bogor, Indonesia–to see her friends charge their cell phones in class.

“I think it’s almost a form of corruption. In a way, they’re stealing energy,” Sribuarti told the Jakarta Globe.

This pet peeve inspired Sribuarti and her friends Elsa Afiani and Arum Aswiniarti to create a solar-powered cell phone charger for a science competition. It took the 15-year-old girls one week to create the device, which was constructed using recycled materials from their neighborhood.

The girls won first place at the L’Oreal Girls Science Camp, which was created to inspire young women to participate in scientific research. This year’s theme was “Let’s Save the World from Electronic Waste.”

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