Electronics Recycling Rohnert Park Services By All Green
As the name implies, Rohnert Park is like a giant park made into a community in Sonoma County in California. And just like any park, it is green and is gifted with several small bodies of water like a reservoir called Roberts Lake and some creeks: Laguna de Santa Rosa, Copeland Creek, Hinebaugh Creek, Crane Creek and Five Creek. It is such a pure community that it would be too bad if such environment would be marred by pollution. Avail now of our Electronics Recycling Rohnert Park Services.
So take care of this community with a population of just close to 41,000 people (as of the 2010 census) by always practicing electronics recycling in Rohnert Park. The city is called “The Friendly City” so practicing environment-friendly activities would give the city justice.
Request E-Waste Pickup
Recycle Electronics Today
IT Asset Disposition
Did you know that deleted items can still be retrieved? This is one piece of information you should know when you do electronics recycling or disposal. Thousands of people have already learned and are already practicing electronics recycling. However, one thing that people don’t usually take notice is the information stored in the equipment. People think that deleting information would just be enough—but it’s not. These information are actually retrievable. With technology, some wily individuals can actually try to recover these data and sell it to other competing companies.
All Green Recycling has secure data destruction service so that any confidential or sensitive data stored in electronic devices will be digitally wiped. There are a number of methods that would securely sanitize electronic devices of data, these are shredding, crushing, wiping and degaussing. Secure data destruction will minimize exposure to data breach. Your company will be very vulnerable if your electronic devices do not undergo software-based and secure erasure.
We also value the approval of industry experts and the government. That’s why we have secured licenses from the government and we have strictly adhered to industry standards. And we regularly update in order to stay ahead of the technological advances. As electronics are periodically updated, so are our software, procedures, standards and products.
Rohnert Park Electronics Recycling Locations
If you are in Rohnert Park, you can drop off old electronics in designated locations. Call All Green Recycling to find out where these centers are. Or call to schedule an e-waste pickup. Electronics recycling in Rohnert Park covers the following areas:
- Haystack
- Petaluma
- San Antonio
| - Lakeville
- Liberty
- Helen Putnam Regional Park
Contact us now for more information about our company.