Electronics Recycling Ione Services, CA
Ione was fondly called the “Bedbug” and “Freezeout” during the Gold Rush. The city served as supply center, rail stop and agricultural hub in Amador County. Its growth and prosperity continued through the years. With progress comes the need to replace obsolete office and home equipment with the latest models. All Green is a reliable service provider to take care of your e-wastes through Electronics Recycling Ione Services.
Request E-Waste Pickup
Recycle Electronics Today
IT Asset Disposition
![Ione electronic waste recycling 2 Recycle Electronics In Ione, Ca]()
Businesses need a reliable partner to handle its ITAD needs. All Green Recycling is in Ione to do this kind of a job for you. We have trusted personnel and state-of-the-art technology for a clean and safe IT asset disposal. Our job starts with making sure that your equipment are brought to our facility with utmost care. We do inventory, tagging, disposal documentation and the preparation of a compliance report to make sure that everything that we do is in order.
Ione Electronics Recycling Location
Do not hesitate to call us. We are a trusted company in e-waste disposal.
Responsible IT Recycling for a Maximum ITAD Recovery
Technology is fast-changing. The gadgets that you acquired a month ago may no longer be the top-of-the-line today. Consumers discard around 20 to 50 million metric tons of e-wastes per year, but only a very small amount or 12.5 percent is recycled, said a report by Earth 911. Nobody knows exactly how companies deal with the remaining 87.5 percent, the report added.
Ione Hard Drive Shredding, California
Don’t be deceived into believing that programs can erase the data content of your hard drives. Of course not. Data will remain stored on the hard drive of your office computers and laptops unless these are permanently destroyed. Avail of our hard drive shredding services for a guaranteed and secure data destruction.
Contact us All Green today and you can be guaranteed that none of these wastes will find its way in landfills.