Electronic recycling near me



Business Is Booming

By the EPA’s best estimates, the U.S. creates over 3.4 million tons of e-waste each year, and this is only rising as consumers continue to buy new and upgraded electronics. Most of it is trashed or incinerated, making for an impending crisis of global proportions. There’s always going to be more electronics to be recycled.

On a positive note, the percentage of electronics which is recycled is increasing rapidly. Back in 2000 we only recycled 10.0% of our e-waste. In 2010 it was 19.6%. From there we’ve seen a fast 5% increase year-on-year, as consumers and the government alike realize the importance of recycling. Legislation is forcing companies to comply, and everyone is looking for the most convenient way to recycle their old electronic equipment.

A Low Capital Expenditure Franchise

As the recycling, remarketing and resale are all performed by our recycling centers, the franchisee’s collection hub processes are very simple, and there is very little capital expenditure required. This simple turn-key business model with minimal expenses allows you to focus on acquiring business and providing excellent customer service.

Only Basic Equipment and Space Required

As the recycling process is done offsite the requirement for warehouse space is minimal. The equipment you need is limited to very basic warehouse equipment. You can offer a world-class recycling service without paying for multimillion dollar shredders, balers or testing equipment.

[All Green Electronics Recycling in the media]